In the quaint town of Wenchi, Ghana on November 11th, 2011, a small pharmacy shop opened its doors to the world. Little did anyone know that this humble beginning would mark the genesis of an extraordinary entrepreneurial venture led by a visionary pharmacist, Dr. Stephen Clark Bandoh.
At the time of SCAB Pharmacy's inception, Dr. Bandoh was a dedicated Regional Manager for Ernest Chemist Ltd in Sunyani. Despite the demands of his role, he nurtured a dream of creating a formidable retail chain company. Driven by this ambition, he engaged his younger brother and a team of passionate staff to embark on the journey of building something remarkable.
Week after week, Dr. Bandoh made the arduous journey from Sunyani to Wenchi to support his dedicated team and share his unwavering vision. As a devoted and focused leader, he inspired everyone around him to believe in the dream of leading a retail pharmacy chain.
With perseverance and determination, the vision began to take shape as SCAB Pharmacy expanded its operations to other districts like Sunyani, Techiman, Nkoranza, Berekum, and Wamfie, among others. Today, SCAB Pharmacy stands tall as the mother company, birthing many successful ventures like Six Stars Pharmacy and Mary J Pharmacy.